Monday, June 14, 2010

Florida Retirement Communities Nature Notes

By Alan Delorey
Spring is an exciting time for bird watching! A flock of 40 Bobolinks worked the grasslands on the western side of Lake Ashton. This is an uncommon species to see in this area as they migrate north to nest in hay fields. The Least Bitterns were heard calling from the marsh by the boat dock where they were first found nesting two years ago. A migrating Virginia Rail was also heard in the same location. A brown Pelican was seen soaring over Lake Ashton, and although a year-round resident in Florida, the Brown Pelican usually stays near the coast and is a rarity this far inland. A Swallow-Tailed Kite flew along the edge of Lake Ashton, only the second time this species has been reported in Lake Ashton. At the same time the Kite was seen, an adult Bald Eagle soared in lazy circles over the lake.
When your looking for Florida retirement communities remember Lake Ashton has it all. And now is a great time to visit and enjoy all that Lake Ashton has to offer including the spectacular nature setting.

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Florida Retirement Communities